[olug] Distros

William E. Kempf williamkempf at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 8 14:39:34 UTC 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Rotschafer" <writetogenius at hotmail.com>
To: <olug at olug.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [olug] Distros

> >A question on this.  I've seen apt-rpm which puts the apt front end on an
> >RPM back end.  Since RPMs are much more common (AFAIK) this seems like
> >(almost) the best of both worlds.  Anyone had any experience with using
> >apt-rpm care to comment on it?  Any good howto's available online for
> >it?
> That doesn't end the problem of rpms...dependency hell...and circle
> dependecies sometimes....

That's not very helpful.  Can you give concrete explanations of this claim.
The documentation/articles I can find (for example at
http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/192/) claim that apt-rpm DOES deal with
RPM dependency problems.

> >>4. Setup and configuration is not the easiest to do...
> >
> >That will probably leave it out of my own list of choices.
> It is not any more complicated than the rest underneath the other ones
> don't make you know what to do to make stuff work....they kinda take the
> windows way out imho...

This is kind of important for me.  I'm not a hardcore Linux user.  I like to
learn the "under the hood" stuff, and will do so, but can't let the large
learning curve associated with this slow me down when trying to use Linux
for the day to day stuff I need *NOW*.  A good OS will strive to make things
easy for the casual user, but expose the full set of features for the power
users.  A smart user will wear both hats (power user and casual user),
depending on his specific needs at any given time.

Bill Kempf


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