[olug] Compile Problem on Athlon/KT266

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Mon Jul 8 17:26:21 UTC 2002

Actually, I have seen this on my ASUS KT266 w/1800+XP, 512 Megs Cosair
CAS 2.0 PC2700.  I just assumed *I* was the problem and just stuck to
the pre-compiled kernel (although I haven't had any troubles compiling
kernels in the past). 

I haven't seen this problem in compiling packages, but I can't really
point to all that many packages I've compiled (Pan and Xine are the only
ones that come to mind).

I'd be curious to hear of anything you find out about this.

Carl Lundstedt

On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 13:12, Jon H. Larsen wrote:
> I recently upgraded my home machine from a K6-2 450 (Ali Aladdin 
> chipset) 496 Meg to an Athlon XP 1500+ (Via KT266 chipset) 512 Meg.  
> Whenever I attempt to compile a new kernel, I get a segmentation fault 
> when compiling sr.c in the SCSI area of the kernel.  Kernel source 
> is kernel.org's 2.4.18 (not the patched RH version), on RH73 box.
> I have similar problems when compiling XFree86, Mozilla, MPlayer - they 
> are all segmentation faults during the compile.
> I tried exporting the CFLAGS to be march=athlon and mcpu=athlon, but that 
> didn't make any difference.
> Has anyone experienced a similar problem using the Via KT266 chipset?
> All precompiled binaries run great, and the system is otherwise stable.  
> Google searches turned up pre-2.4.18 issues regarding IDE, but it has 
> since been fixed.
> Perplexed...
> Jon L.
> -- 
>  [ Jon H. Larsen  - email: relayer at omahadirect dot net         ]
>  [ ICQ#: 10412618 - http://www.animesunday.org/jonl               ]
>  [ PGP Pubkey - http://www.animesunday.org/jonl/relayerpubkey.txt ]
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