[olug] Word Doc/or rtf to pdf

Daniel Pfile daniel at pfile.net
Mon Jul 22 21:42:59 UTC 2002

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 16:34, Craig Wolf wrote:
> Anyone know a program that will do that in Linux (other than paying
> Adobe)?  I need to get a Word or RTF document into Adobe Pagemaker 6.5
> and I am having "issues" in making that happen. Ultimately this will all
> be on a Win machine so don't shoot me...
> TIA!!

So you need to have a linux machine convert an rtf file to a pdf?

Googling for 'rtf to pdf linux' led me to Ted:


which has a script:


That does what you want.

Did I understand the question right?

-- Daniel Pfile - daniel AT pfile DAWT net


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