[olug] sad...

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Wed Jun 5 05:31:32 UTC 2002

That's freakn awesome!

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 22:53:29 -0600
"Brian Roberson" <roberson at olug.org> wrote:

|well... sad to see another highly used, well endured machine coming down,
this machine was the primary mail outbound relay for samba.org mail lists,
and its services have been migrated to a new bigger,badder more redundant
machine. this box was also olug.org for 3 years straight, until all of
olug.org services moved to the users.olug.org machine. sad to see it go,
but I have no use for it any longer... It will be dis-assembled and
scrapped for peive-parts..... ahhh.... what a waste.
|aux:/www # uptime
| 12:27am  up 824 days,  2:13,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
|aux:/www #
|aux:/www # uname -a
|Linux aux 2.0.39 #1 Friday Jun 24 12:28:55 GMT 1994 i686 unknown
|aux:/www #
|according to the /proc entries, this machine has transmitted over 60
trillion ip packets, with 0 error's and 50 tx overruns...
|for those of you "DIE HARD" linux junkies, yes, my clock was off when I
complied the kernel ;-)
|Brian Roberson
|President/Founder Omaha Linux User Group ( http://olug.org )
|GNU/FSF programmer ( http://www.fsf.org )
|Samba Team Member ( http://www.samba.org )
|Sr. Network Engineer, West Interactive ( http://www.west.com )

  Brian Wiese | bwiese at cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru
  GnuPG/PGP key 0x1E820A73 | "FREEDOM!" - Braveheart 


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