[olug] [O/T] Mozilla Party

Mike Hostetler thehaas at binary.net
Thu Jun 6 15:13:20 UTC 2002

> Try:
> Alt Muchen - Old market, German "gasthaus", beer garden AAA+++ ;-)
> Old Dundee (No, not the Dundee Dell)
> Cresent Moon - Near Mutual of Omaha
> McGuires - 108 & pacific
> Zio's - their out west location has a party room

I'll add Billy Frog's on Dodge to the list. (Daniel suggested that earlier).

> How is that for a short list, done in 5 minutes? What criteria were you looking for?

I think the criteria should be:

  o somewhat centrally located.
  o some place locally-owned (I say screw the chains too).
  o have food (i.e. not just a bar . . . I have to eat when I drink =)
  o not too expensive (i.e. not Brother Sebastien's! =)

Any more ideas??  This weekend I'm busy, but next week is fine.

-- mikeh


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