[olug] IPTables rejection logging.

Jeremy Bettis jeremyb at hksys.com
Tue Mar 26 19:02:16 UTC 2002

Here is a sample of what I do:

-m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 3 -j LOG --log-prefix "IPT
PREROUTING spoofed IP: "

The first line logs all packets from the internet on the reserved ip
range, and the second line DROPs those same packets.

The limit stuff is to keep the log file from growing too fast.  

Then I also have the default policies set to DROP and there is a LOG
rule as the last rule in each chain.
Jeremy Bettis, Software Development Manager
HKS Medical Information Systems, Inc.
jeremyb at hksys.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Warren [mailto:jonwarren at cox.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 9:48 AM
To: olug at olug.org
Subject: [olug] IPTables rejection logging.

I want to add logging of denied access to my iptables rules.  Is there
anyone on this list who is able to get me started on writing iptables
rules?  Any suggestions would be usefull.

-Jon Warren


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