[olug] Cox blocking 80 and 81 now

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Thu May 23 17:14:25 UTC 2002

On Thursday 23 May 2002 04:59 pm, you wrote:
> It seems outbound port 80 and 81 no long work.  Requests get sent to the
> web server but it never gets a response.  Interesting choice of ports. 
> Guess 81 was becoming too common for there liking?  Anyone know anything
> about this?  I know they had them open for at least a week.  I also know I
> was getting web browser hits from other cox customers.  Oh well.
> -Jon W
Down here in Lincoln I'm using RoadRunner and their 'usage policy' explicitly 
states that you can't run 'any server' including but not limited to ftp, 
http, or game (quake, etc).  I'm not surprised that Cox is blocking those 
ports.  Its too bad that people who use WAY too much bandwidth spoil it for 
the rest of us (there is a huge difference between hosting a couple of 
homepages and running a Q3 server, or a warez site).  I guess it might also 
be a security thing since, let's face it, most people don't know how to 
secure a server of any flavor.

Carl Lundstedt


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