[olug] Telnet on Private Network

Nick Walter waltern at iivip.com
Fri Nov 22 17:51:53 UTC 2002

Newer releases of Red Hat are a bit more security conscious and disable
a lot of services by default.  This can be confusing to track down, as
some services are provided by standalone daemon, some through xinetd,

In the specific case of ftpd and telnetd on RH7.3, look in
/etc/xinetd.d/ directory.  There will be one file for each configured
service.  Almost all of those files will contain a line saying "disable
= yes".  Changing that line to "disable = no" and then restarting xinetd
will activate the service.  

So in summary:
1.)  Edit /etc/xinetd.d/telnet and change disable=yes to disable=no
2.)  Edit /etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd and change disable=yes to disable=no
3.)  Restart xinted (the command "service xinetd restart" is the easy

Nick Walter

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 11:36, Mike Peterson wrote:
> I am running Redhat 7.3.
> I have one system installed from downloaded images burned to CD.
> I have another system installed from a Purchased Box Set.
> The downloaded install works fine.
> The Purchased install does not.
> The problem is that telnet and ftp will not startup on the Purchased set installed system.
> Everything works fine on the other system.
> Both are not accessible externally.
> I have firewalling shut off on both.
> The /etc/services file has no comment marks next to telnet or ftp.
> My understanding is that the kernel and init run the show.
> xinetd when started becomes a daemon for any services it manages.
> xinetd.d contains the config files for telnet, ftp and other services managed by xinetd.
> As long as no ipchains or iptables rules are in place ports should be accessible from the network.
> ps -ef shows xinetd is running.
> I restart or stop and start it and nothing changes the problem.
> I have upgraded xinetd and telnet on both and no change.
> What else could I be missing that is keeping telnetd from being accessed from the network?
> If I launch a standalone telnetd it seems to work.

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