[olug] Driving to Re: Meeting 10/01/2002

Eric Penne epenne at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 1 18:13:24 UTC 2002

I'm going to the meeting tonight.  I'm driving from Lincoln.  I'll
probably be leaving around 5:00 PM.  My wife and son will be going with
me and I have to drop them off in Omaha at my sis-in-laws.  I plan on
leaving after the meeting to go pick them up (or have a drink somewhere
*wink wink*).  If there is anybody that wants a ride from Lincoln
please email me.  I have a minivan and 3-4 extra seats (depends on how
wide your butt is).  Geek talk is only allowed in the van if geeks >
non-geeks.  My wife is non and therefore my son is non (I don't get to
decide on that). :)

If I don't get anybody to go with me, then my wife wants to use the van
in Omaha.  In that case would it be possible for somebody to pick me up
and drive me from my sis-in-laws to the meeting?  She lives near 166th
and Blondo.

Maybe next month I can talk about video editing and conversion in
Linux.  Hopefully by that time I will figure out the differences in all
the formats and which programs can work with each format.  I can also
work in  something about firewire.  Right now I can decode WMV and AVI
but the sync on the sound isn't worth a darn on the conversion to mpeg2
or VCD.  On an 800 MHz machine it's slow.

Eric Penne
http://www.thepennes.net (no updates for 11 months) :(

--- Adam Haeder <adamh at omaha.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Just a reminder of the OLUG meeting tonight. The speaker will be our
> very 
> own Pres, Brian Roberson. The topic will be Apache 2.0: why you
> should 
> care.
> Directions and a map can be found at 
> http://www.schoollink.com/01/05/index.htm. You can park in the
> parking 
> garage on the south side of Douglas St (for free, even). Please do
> not 
> park in the parking lot immediately outside the building, that's for 
> Clarkson students only, and they get cranky when we steal their
> parking 
> spaces.
> Hope to see you all there!
> - -- 
> Adam Haeder
> Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
> adamh at omaha.org
> (402) 345-5025 x115
> PGP Public key: http://www.omaha.org/~adamh/pgp.html
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> nGmdnjOeV+wLX0X8pdrmDKg=
> =aG7H
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