[olug] DocBook

William E. Kempf wekempf at cox.net
Wed Oct 30 21:45:59 UTC 2002

Dave Burchell said:
> I use an XSLT stylesheet that I process with Xalan.  However, you could
> use any XSLT processor that conforms to the standard (see
> "http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/").  Saxon, for example, is another
> leading XSLT processor.
> I did have to do one hackish thing: XSLT 1.0 only allows for output of
> one file.  I wrote a simple Perl script to chop the one big file my
> stylesheet produces into the appropriate number of HTML files.
> I consider my approach pretty well standards-based, since it only
> requires an XSLT processor that follows the XSLT standard, and the Perl
> script could be replaced with your favorite programming tool (like ANSI
> C) if you wish.  However, I don't know if you would consider Xalan one
> of the "standard tools" or not.

The issue is that when the DocBook DTD changes, you'll have to update your
XSLT generator to handle the changes.  But if you stick with the standard
tools for DocBook, someone else is responsible for this.

> Another thing to look out for: What version of DocBook are you using?
> The XML version?  XSLT requires XML input, not SGML.  db2html, OTOH,
> requires SGML.

Eventually I'll want to use the XML version, but the stuff that's failing
is SGML.

William E. Kempf

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