[olug] Mac OSX Accessibility Question.

Jim jameso at elwood.net
Sat Sep 7 15:12:44 UTC 2002

I can't help you much on the screen size enhancers, but as far as Xwin 
apps in Aqua goes:

Get a copy of XDarwin installed, and a copy of OroborOSX. OroborOSX 
lets you run xwin apps in aqua with a pseudo-aqua look and feel. Its 
really nice. Then after you have that up and going, use fink to instal 
galeon. It will grap the source, patch it, compile, then install for 
you with no muss no fuss.

There are a few catches with this solution, such as cut and paste, etc. 
You are working in two different window environments after all.

Good luck.

On Saturday, September 7, 2002, at 09:20  AM, Don E. Kauffman wrote:

> For those of you that know the innards of MAC OS-X, I have a question. 
> Will X
> apps work in conjunction  with the Mac GUI? Here's why I'm asking. . . 
> .
> I'm working with Vocational Rehabilitation to find work The person I'm
> working with mentioned that they have a perrson on staff who has a 
> Visual
> Impairment. (i.e. she can see but it's difficult for her to read the 
> screen.)
> That immediately made me think of Galleon which has that nifty liitle 
> size
> enhancer built right into the toolbar! i mentioned this  and she 
> wanted to
> know if this was available in Windows or Mac Land. There is no M$ port 
> that I
> can find and probably no Mac port as well. I said that I would see 
> what I
> could do (as part of my homework assignment)!
> My questions are:
> 1. Is there a way to get X apps working on OS X? How hard would it be 
> to  do
> this and still use the Mac GUI?
> 2. Are there other solutions such as screen size enhancers? (I'm sure 
> they've
> looked at this option but she indicated to me that they weren't 
> satisfied
> with the options available.) I will ask if they've tried over riding 
> the web
> site preferences with  the browsers. (Usually only works well on non 
> frame
> sites).
> 3. Any other suggestions?
> Let me know.
> Don Kauffman
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