[olug] Lilo

Gary mescie at cox.net
Tue Apr 1 17:46:53 UTC 2003

I was messing with my lilo.conf file yesterday trying to add a third O/S
to it but after messing with it for a couple of hours I gave up and went
back to my original lilo.conf file.Now when I boot up Lilo gives me  a
choice of Linux or windows like it always has but at the bottom of the
screen I'm getting a ....boot:.......and it will only let me boot
Linux.It's like Linux is the only O/S on my computer the way it's
acting.I even uninstalled Lilo with lilo -U but I still get the Lilo
screen with the boot: prompt.Does anyone  have any idea what may be
wrong or did my computer wise up and decide to hell with windows I'm
Linux only from here on out :) ?

                Thanks,Gary Martin

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