[olug] Unix Tip: OOPS.. RM STAR

Dave Hull dphull at insipid.com
Fri Apr 25 13:05:41 UTC 2003

On Fri, 25 Apr 2003, Christopher Cashell wrote:

> I take the middle road.  On my personal accounts, I dislike having 'rm'
> aliased to 'rm -i'.  However, I think every root account should have it
> done.
> It's a simple matter of scope.  If, as a user, I accidentally run rm *,
> I can't hurt anyone but myself.  If it's my own system, it just means I
> need to restore a backup.  However, if you're using the root account,
> it's worth the inconvenience to make sure you don't screw things up.

I agree completely. I should have been more specific. I always make sure root 
has rm aliased to rm -i. If I want to override that at the command line, I 
just use rm -rf.

Dave Hull

Suffering alone exists, none who suffer;
The deed there is, but no doer thereof;
Nirvana is, but no one is seeking it;
The Path there is, but none who travel it.
		-- "Buddhist Symbolism", Symbols and Values

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