[olug] BSD interest

CM Miller cmmiller1973 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 23 20:45:47 UTC 2003

--- neal rauhauser <neal at lists.rauhauser.net> wrote:
>    Can we get a show of hands from 1.) knowledgeable
> BSD users and 2.)
> people who want to learn more about it?
>     I mentioned a BSD installfest a while back and
> the only responders I
> saw were people who already had the stuff - that
> doesn't qualify as
> interest for an installfest IMHO.
>     If there is enough interest I'd be willing to
> help with an
> installfest and after that I'd be willing to teach
> something ... say
> four hours worth ... on how to maintain a FreeBSD
> install once its in
> place - firewalling, service control, how to install
> stuff from ports,
> how to do an OS upgrade, etc.
>     I'd also love to see a knowledgeable OBSD user
> step up and offer the
> same thing - I'm particularly in need of some pf
> wisdom and cvsup &
> major upgrade skills.

I'm dabbling in OpenBSD since the start of this yr,
and don't consider a subject matter expert, but would
enjoy meeting other BSD users face to face and passing
off whatever knowledge I have to others.  The main
reason I enjoy cons and installfest.    

I'm also looking for more info. on pf and cvsup.  

If a time/date is set, hopefully a weekend, I may be
able to rope in a guy in that I work with who uses
various BSDs for desktops/workstations. 


"I've dug graves for a living, I've done customer sevice/telemarketing for a living.  Guess which one is more rewarding careerwise?"

-CM Miller

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