[olug] RE: Topic for next meeting

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Thu Aug 28 22:45:47 UTC 2003

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I'm curious about this because I'm currently working on expunging the
> Windows NT domain authentication model in place on my network

So... what are you doing for

> and replacing it with a Linux / OpenSource solution.  If very few people
> understand LDAP, what are they using for "domain wide" authentication? I
> thought LDAP was pretty much the only way in Linux.

Assuming that everything is *only* Linux there:

* a plethrora of SQL databases
* a hack called "rsync /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd and /etc/group from a
central server"

Things get MUCH more complex if you want to do anything cross-platform and
have a unified authentication service at the same time.


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us

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