[olug] discount subscription to Linux Journal

Robert A. Jacobs r.a.jacobs at cox.net
Wed Feb 19 14:35:01 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 07:07, Matthew Platte wrote:
> I'm still confused about that problem OLUG had with the computer store 
> owner using the list for advertising. How is Linux Journal different 
> from the computer store?
It's really more of an issue of conflict-of-interest or self-promotion
versus word-of-mouth.  There is nothing wrong with making OLUG'ers aware
of deals you have come across while browsing the 'net or walking through
a store...the problem is when the owner/publisher/creator of a
commercial product pushes that product/store themselves.  At that point,
it becomes an advertisement instead of an exchange of helpful
information.  If *I*, as a reader of Linux Journal, tell you about Linux
Journal, I am making you aware of a resource you may not have known
about; however, if *I* publish Linux Journal *and* make you aware of
this same resource you may not have known about, it is an advertisement.

The difference is subtle but important.

FWIW, I have subscribed to Linux Journal for nearly two years and have
found LJ to be a great resource (Maximum Linux - RIP - was *possibly*
better only because it was slanted more towards people becoming familiar
with Linux; at the time, that's what I needed.  Unfortunately, it folded
and the b at st@rds converted subscriptions over to Wired!  Wired, for
crying out loud!).  In recent months, LJ has taken a much heavier
technical slant (articles on the kernel, protocols, etc.) than
previously.  I rarely read an LJ magazine without finding something of
value or interest between the covers (Reuven Lerner's "At The Forge",
Marcel the-annoying-chef-gag-needs-to-be-put-to-death Gagne's "Cooking
with Linux", Doc Searls "Linux for Suits" and Eben Moglen's law articles
make the magazine well worth the subscription price).


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