[olug] Sonicwall behind linux NAT box?

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Thu Feb 27 03:56:06 UTC 2003

Wondering if this is possible and if anyone has done it. I have a client 
that is behind their ISP's linux NAT box, and gets a 10. private IP 
address. The ISP port-forwards a few ports to one of their servers, so 
they have their own website, mail server, etc. Now they want to put up a 
Sonicwall vpn server, and have an external user connect to it.

Has anyone set something up like this before? I've read the 
VPN-Masquerading HOWTO, and while they talk a lot about port forwarding 
PPTP connections, it's pretty light on IPSec based VPNS (of which the 
sonicwall is one).

Any recommendations on the best way to handle this? TIA

Adam Haeder
Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.omaha.org/~adamh/pgp.html

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