[olug] Logo in vector art

Eric Pierce eric_olug at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 1 00:16:33 UTC 2003

--- Brandon Lederer <brandonl at hms4emc.com> wrote:
> Keep it as SIMPLE as possible, 2 colors, 3 at most for die-cut vinyl, so we
> can make canvas (I think they're canvas.... real heavy duty--won't tear)
> banners.

You're probably right Brandon.  First, a repost from a few weeks ago.
#Here's a quote I received from 'Fast Signs' in Omaha.
#Sign size: 3' x 3' (for all 3 quotes)

#1. $107/2 color/cut vinyl/outdoor durability
#2. $92/2 color/cut vinyl/indoor only
#3. $95/multi-color/UV inks-lamanent/light outdoor/a "scrim" banner

And now some impressions from my visit to 'Fast Signs' today.
The 'multi-color' banner looks like the kind of banner you'd see inside of Best
Buy hanging from the ceiling.  Full color looks good, but not all that durable
looking.  Kind of a cheap looking when compared to the cut-vinyl type.

There wasn't much difference between the 'indoor' and 'outdoor' cut vinyl
banners.  They both are made basically the same and look very durable.  Just
the hem is different (one is sewn, the other is taped).

You can have as many colors as you need on the cut-vinyl, however I don't think
you'd want to push it with too detailed or colorful of a design.  Like Brandon
said, 2-3 colors should be considered the limit (i.e., black plus 1-2 colors). 
Also, gradients are out (hence both of my logos won't work).

Now back to the drawing board (speaking to myself here).
Eric Pierce

> Eric Pierce wrote:
> > I made a new logo.  All comments/criticisms welcome.
> > http://epierce.freeshell.org/olugo/
> I like that a lot!
> I wonder if it's too busy / hard to read for banners and things
> though...
> Ponder,
> j
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