[olug] Configuring Sendmail

Matthew G. Marsh mgm at midwestlinux.com
Tue Jul 8 18:05:23 UTC 2003

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Ed Carlsen wrote:

> I have a Red hat 9.0 box on COX at home cable modem and would like to use it
> for sending mail with PINE.

In Pine go to Setup, Config (main menu - S then C) third line down is SMTP
server - set it to smtp.central.cox.net (Press Enter on the line and add
the text) then E to exit setup and Y to save the config.

Voila. - Let me know if you need more help...

> I am trying to configure sendmail but it does not seem to work. I tried
> using webmin to configure but I am not sure where to put the COX server
> name, smtp.central.cox.net.
> An I do not know the IP address for the COX mail server.

> What is the simpliest way to configure sendmail to send mail through the
> mail server at smtp.central.cox.net?

If you use Pine then you do NOT need to use Sendmail. Unless you like pain
and/or have a different reason for needing sendmail.

> Thanks.
> Ed Carlsen

Matthew G. Marsh,  President
Paktronix Systems LLC
1506 North 59th Street
Omaha  NE  68104
Phone: (402) 553-2288
Email: mgm at midwestlinux.com
WWW:  http://www.midwestlinux.com

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