[olug] SCO Group vs. IBM (fwd)

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Fri Jun 6 15:46:48 UTC 2003

I received this message this morning from AMR Research. I thought it might 
be interesting to pass on to the list. You can answer it if you want, but 
please only do so if you are an IT decision maker at your company (we 
don't want to skew their results too badly).

Adam Haeder
Assistant Vice President of Information Technology
AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.omaha.org/~adamh/pgp.html

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:38:49 -0400
From: "Bacon, Allison" <ABacon at amrresearch.com>
To: "Bacon, Allison" <ABacon at amrresearch.com>
Subject: SCO Group vs. IBM

The SCO Group has launched a $1B case against IBM in the Utah State
court, alleging that IBM has violated intellectual property laws by
releasing UNIX code to the Linux community.  SCO has threatened to
revoke IBM's legal license to sell AIX if an agreement is not reached by
June 14.  In addition, SCO has sent letters to 1,500 CEOs at Fortune 500
and Global 2000 companies warning them of the intellectual property
issues and violations associated with Linux.
This is one of the first legal cases involving Linux and intellectual
property.  AMR Research would like your opinion on how this controversy
will impact the adoption of Linux at your company.  Please take 5
minutes to answer the following questions:

*	Are you are aware of the SCO Group vs IBM lawsuit? 


*	Will this lawsuit impact your company's view on adopting Linux?


*	Will this lawsuit impact your company's rate of using (expanding
your use) of Linux? How?


*	Will this lawsuit impact your selection of Linux vendors/


*	In your opinion, who will win the SCO Group vs IBM lawsuit?

Thank you for your participation - all survey responses will be kept
confidential and used in aggregate.  AMR will provided you with a copy
of the published survey results.  Please contact Allison Bacon with any
questions or concerns:  617.574.5257 or abacon at amrresearch.com
<mailto:abacon at amrresearch.com> .
Allison Bacon 
Research Analyst 
AMR Research
2 Oliver Street 
Boston, MA 02109

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