[olug] The Joy of Vim (was: Perl Debugger)

thehaas at binary.net thehaas at binary.net
Thu Jun 12 18:44:25 UTC 2003

On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 11:04:04AM -0700, CM Miller wrote:
> Agreed, VIM is awesome.  
> Basically VI with other options that improve on a good
> idea.  The colors are great.  I've converted over one
> of my co-workers over from pico to vim and he thanks
> me everyday. 

I'd grab vim and a handy script or two from vim.sf.net, and you can run
circles around any IDE out there (and use it for all languages!).

I recommend taglist, sessmgr, EnhCommentify, and bufexplorer, but YMMV.

Another handy trick -- you are on a Windows box, and are editing on a
Unix/Linux box.  You love your GVIM  . . . . so use it!  You can edit
your file via ftp or scp . . . do a ":help ftp" to find out how.

Mike Hostetler          
thehaas at binary.net 

The test is, sometimes there's no place to pull over - sometimes you   
can't stop, and you have to find a way to keep going.                  
		 -- John Irving,  "A Widow for One Year"      

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