[olug] Unix Tip: GET YOUR IP-ADDRESS, Omaha Perl Mongers

Don Kauffman dkauffman at tconl.com
Sat Mar 22 20:53:42 UTC 2003

  ping -a kauffman2443 did not work.

  ping -b  however , gave the following information.
[dekauff at kauffman2443 dekauff]$ ping -b kauffman2443
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
PING kauffman2443.tconl.com ( from : 56(84) bytes 
of data.
--- kauffman2443.tconl.com ping statistics ---
17 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Like I said. I  don't think I have it set up correctly but it works for 
internet access.

Jeff Hinrichs wrote:

>>I did what you suggested and got this
>> python -c "import socket; print
>>I did what the tip suggested and got this.
>>/sbin/ifconfig | grep "inet addr" |  grep -v "" | awk '{print
>>$2;}' |  awk -F':' '{print $2;}'
>>I know why --  it hearkens back to something I had  questions on but
>>never got a satisfactory answer about. I'd still like an answer because
>>I don't think I've got the system set up correctly. What it amounts to
>>is that I don't know how to get the hostname to pull an IP from dhcp
>>when the system is starting up. The hostname seems to need a dedicated IP.
>I checked a dhcp'd client (linux and win) and static ip'd machines also.
>interested why it doesn't work on yours.
>What do you get when;
> ping -a hostname*
>            *where hostname is the name of the machine that you are on.
>Is it or, I'd be surprised if its not .
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Don Kauffman
Email: mailto:dkauffman at tconl.com
"There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those that don't."

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