[olug] How One Microsoft User Made The Switch To Open Source

IrishMASMS IrishMASMS at olug.org
Fri May 9 00:42:13 UTC 2003

<quote who="Jeff Hinrichs">
> Interesting article on Internet Week about a small business owner who
> switched from M$ to Open Source.
> http://www.internetweek.com/breakingNews/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=9600125
> -jeff

Here is the full story, from his newsletter archived on his web site:


Fitting I/we found this article today after the W2K3 Server roolout was in
Omaha today. (which was a waste of my time, but hey work paid for it :)

A: No.
Q: Should I include e-mail quotations after my reply?
An often repeated quote on news.admin.net-abuse.email - <I>"Spam is not
about content, it is about consent".</I>

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