[olug] Ghost and Linux servers

Brandon Lederer brandon at tolkien-movies.com
Sun Nov 9 17:37:02 UTC 2003

On Saturday 08 November 2003 10:56 pm, OBrien, Timothy (Omaha Linux Users 
Group - OLUG) wrote:
> How much space does a tar take? Or, how much does tar compress the files?

TAR doesnt compress.  TAR just simply "Tapes" the files together in one file.  
The file will be the same file size as the original files on the disk, or 
maybe  just a tad larger.

That said, gzip or bzip will make the tar it smaller, bzip being better.

I believe you will come out smaller with bzip, than ghost.

restore time---- < than 20 mins.....  not the most intuitive, but very doable.  
I reccomend having live CDs handy, and understanding chroot.

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