[olug] Re: [Acm] job security with a cs degree

GodOfIrony at aol.com GodOfIrony at aol.com
Tue Nov 25 07:16:39 UTC 2003

Well, at least there'll still be jobs in  IT security- an area a lot of us 
are interested in.  Though classes in "network security" seem to be popping up 
everywhere a degree from a university ought to still offer you a better 
foot-in-the-door.  'Course nothing stands up like on the job experience. Go after 
those internships!

I thought this article was well written and provides a good example of 
outsourcing not always being a good - let alone the best - option.

"How Offshore Outsourcing Failed Us"
  By Wesley Bertch <A HREF="http://www.nwc.com/shared/article/printFullArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=2JT4ERSPYYTF2QSNDBGCKHQ?articleID=15201900">


>With the outsourcing of IT jobs to India and the like for cheap labor, its
>questionable what kind of job security is in store for CS grads.  Here's >a 
column on it:
>Some solace in outsourcing: not all jobs can be moved offshore
>Brian Wiese | bwiese(at)cotse.com | aim: unolinuxguru

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