[olug] Problems w/Quake 3

Jay Swackhamer Jay at RebootTheUser.com
Thu Apr 15 04:19:24 UTC 2004

Are you trying to run it out of the box, or with the latest patches?
1.32b is at http://downloads.reboottheuser.com/rtu/rtu_sw_pkgs/games/quake3
if you need it login:movies passwd:video

It shouldnt be looking for anything Glide related since that is Voodoo
related..........Check the settings under the 'system' section to make
sure that it's using the default GL driver and not 'voodoo'

> Hi ho,
> I picked up Quake 3 from Jay's place a few months back... still haven't
> got it
> working.  Any help would be great!
> I'm running SuSE 9.0 w/nVidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 (32 mb)
> Quake 3 originally was looking for libglide2x.so (see output below).  My
> SuSE
> system has the following:
> /usr/lib/libglide3-v3.so
> /usr/lib/libglide3-v5.so
> which are a part of the XFree86-Mesa-4.3.0 package. I found an older
> package
> (glide_v2-2) for SuSE 8.1 which had libglide2x.so.  I installed it and it
> works, but the framerate is around 2 fps (not playable).
> Should I even be using this library since I don't have a VooDoo board?  I
> have
> the latest Nvidia drivers installed w/3D acceleration enabled, and other
> 3D
> games give me good fps w/o libglide2x.so.   Also, Quake 3 worked fine for
> me on
> SuSE < 8.2.  So I'm stumped.
> FYI, libMesaVoodooGL.so.3.2 and libGL.so (symlink to former) were
> installed in
> the Quake3 directory.
> Anyhoot, any ideas would be most appreciated!
> Eric
> Ps.  Here is my output before installing libglide2x.so
> (glide_v2-2.53-138.rpm).
> ----- R_Init -----
> ...loading libGL.so: QGL_Init: Can't load libGL.so from /etc/ld.so.conf or
> current dir: libglide2x.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or
> directory
> failed
> ...loading libMesaVoodooGL.so: QGL_Init: Can't load libMesaVoodooGL.so
> from
> /etc/ld.so.conf or current dir: libglide2x.so: cannot open shared object
> file:
> No such file or directory
> failed
> ----- CL_Shutdown -----
> RE_Shutdown( 1 )
> -----------------------
> ----- CL_Shutdown -----
> -----------------------
> Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem
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Jay Swackhamer
Reboot The User
15791 West Dodge Road
Suite 135
Omaha, NE 68118
(402) 933-6449
(402) 933-6456 Fax

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