[olug] Linux on TechTV
Joe Gulizia
jrguliz at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 02:04:02 UTC 2004
Reposted with permission of Marcel Gagne.
--- "Marcel (Free Thinker at Large) Gagne"
<mggagne at salmar.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
On Friday afternoon, I did a taping of Call for Help
with Leo Laporte at the Toronto TechTV Canada studios.
In case you are wondering what this is all about, you
can start by taking a look here.
But I digress . . . something I do very well <insert
appropriate smiley here>.
The taping was great fun. It was essentially a very
light Linux 101. Why would you want to run it? Is it
really that hard?
Is it something Grandma could use? That sort of thing.
I did some show and tell on my notebook and
basically chatted with Leo about why Linux is cool.
At the end, Leo said that he really liked the way
the show went off and asked whether i would be willing
to come in and do at least one show per month to
talk about Linux, Linux applications, and so on.
Obviously, I said yes and I'll be going for another
taping in about 3 weeks. It was suggested that I
bring the Chef's hat. Hmmm . . .
All this to say that I think we have an opportunity
here. Perhaps it's time to consider placing the odd
Linux "call for help" to the show. That way, the
Linux community could show a TV station/program that
there is Linux interest out there and perhaps with
time, we could even ramp up the Linux content.
More mainstream exposure of Linux can only be a good
As soon as I know when this particular episode will
air, I'll let the list know. I'm also going to see
whether they will let me take a digital copy of
the show to put on my website. I've tried that before,
but I'm hoping that with regular appearances, they
might look more favorably on allowing me to
provide a download link.
Anyhow, enough for now. Take care out there.
Marcel (Writer and Free Thinker at Large) Gagné
Note: This massagee wos nat speel or
Mandatory home page reference -
Author : "Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of
Death Goodbye!"
Also by Marcel : Linux System Administration, A
User's Guide
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