[olug] Component Re-sellers

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 25 02:13:12 UTC 2004

I have used cyberguys for quite some time now. 
Sometimes they have deals on regular stuff, sometimes
not.  However, when I need speciality components, MoBo
spacers, case screws, round drive cables, specialty
drive trays, component fans, they are the first and
usually the last place I need to go.

In order to cut down on shipping, 5 or 10 of us would
go in on an order.  It was a lot of fun; we would get
together at someones house to make the order, and get
together to split it up when it arrived.  1 excuse, 2
parties - AWESOME!


-=Sean Edwards=-
cybersean3000 at yahoo.com

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