[olug] Evolution keeps crashing.

Don Kauffman dekauff at cox.net
Sun Dec 12 02:59:58 UTC 2004


I have a problem that has been driving me batty for some time now. My
choice of Email applications, Evolution 1.4.6, keeps crashing with a
segfault with no discernible pattern that that I can see except that it
happens in the mail window. Here's what happens: I click on a new
message to read, most times it will open, sometimes it will segfault.
I click on a old message to read: most times it will open sometimes
segfault. I delete a message: again most times it will delete but
sometimes segfault. This can happen when I send a message, as well.
Sometimes this happens several times a day which does not do wonders for
my equanimity!! ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!

I'd try to use another mail pgm but that means that I have to maintain
two separate things because Evolution is contrary to most other mail
programs out there in how it sets up folders. If I'd have known then
what I know now I would not be using Evolution.

I've tried searching online, tried the faqs at Ximian, tried figuring it
out on my own. Nothing seems to give any relief. Here are my questions:
1. Has anyone else experienced these difficulties?
2. Has anyone found a solution for these problems?
3. Does anyone know if this is fixed in the more recent versions?
4. Failing that, does anyone know of a mail program that will import
Evolution 1.4.6 mail folders? I know Sylpheed will not. Kmail will not. 
I haven't checked any others. 


Don "going barmy" Kauffman

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