[olug] Suse 9.0 Pro ISOs on FTP server

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Fri Jan 9 15:35:12 UTC 2004

KJ wrote:
> All five ISO images have been transferred to Dan's FTP server.
> Only images 1, 2, and 3 are currently public, but Dan assures me
> he will fix that and make 4 & 5 available, probably around Friday.
> Dan's server (anonymous OK) is at ftp2.linder.org .
> The ISOs are at /pub/Suse/9.0/ .

Ok, I'm finally home and I have moved the ISO images for 4&5 to the new
location.  My home system via Cox cablemodem is able to download the iso
images at 350 KB/sec so hopefully others are seeing good DL speeds too.

Again, the url is: ftp://ftp2.linder.org/pub/Suse/9.0


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