[olug] On-line tech news sites with audio.

Brian Wiese bwiese at cotse.com
Wed Jan 14 07:40:41 UTC 2004

On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:56:00 -0600 (CST)
"Daniel Linder" <dan at linder.org> wrote:

|  What on-line web-radio sites to people listen to?  I have found a few
|out of  the California bay area, but I am looking for other places
|people have stumbled across.
|  My goal is to setup my primary desktop to automatically download the
|latest audio feeds and copy them to my MP3 player so I can listen to
|fairly up-to-date tehc news while doing things "off-line" (i.e. mowing,
|blowing snow, commuting, etc).

ESR is a regular commentator, usually neat discussions.  
2600.com/oth is another weekly talk show, for better or worse at times

As mentioned in the latest linux journal, Magnatune has some streaming
audio from a variety of genres that I've been playing lately.

I too haven't found any good radio stations to constantly tune into for
ogg/mp3 streams... http://www.massinova.com seems to have gone down. =(

>From the UNO campus, some rock music http://www.mavradio.org

Brian Wiese          "What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
bwiese(at)cotse.com  gpg: 0x2FD6AF16    keysvr: pgp.dtype.org
phone: 402.932.5490  aim: unolinuxguru  www.unomaha.edu/~bwiese
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