[olug] SuSE OpenExchange

Ryan O'Rourke ryano at ch-gifts.com
Thu Jan 22 21:19:04 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 14:40, Shaughn wrote:

> >Has anyone out there implemented a SuSE OpenExchange server as a
> >replacement for a Microsoft Exchange server? 
> >We're looking at doing just that but I'd like to hear some firsthand
> >experiences first.

> if it helps, we are selling suse openlinux instead of exchange server. 
> but I've yet to install / migrate with this yet. Wish I did, because one 
> of our clients is using exchange 2k3, and it's the biggest POS i've ever 
> seen. :(

What is SuSE OpenLinux? Googling for 'openlinux' brings up a bunch of
SCO webpages, and googling for 'suse openlinux' just results a bunch of
miscellaneous links.

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