[olug] xterm settings
Kenton Brede
kbrede at nixnotes.org
Mon Jan 26 00:26:37 UTC 2004
On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 03:18:38PM -0800, CM Miller (cmmiller1973 at yahoo.com) wrote:
> Anyone using xterm?
> I'm running Slackware 9.1 and I want to set it so when
> launching xterm from Fluxbox menu that the default
> shell is bash and the settings for the screen is black
> on yellow text.
> Right now, I have to type the following to set the
> text up:
> xterm -fg yellow -bg black
> I believe there should be something under ~ called
> .xresources, but there isn't, which controls the
> setting for xterm.
I set this in .xsession or .xinitrc depending on the distro I'm using
I'm guessing yours will be .xinitrc -
xterm -bg black -fg white -sp -geometry +125+115 -fn 10x20 &
In ~/.bashrc
# set title bar on xterm
case $TERM in
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;`hostname`\007"'
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