[olug] xterm settings

Harrison, Thomas id4spam at cox.net
Wed Jan 28 00:56:24 UTC 2004

I use .Xdefault

You can control the fonts, colors, screen size, etc....
The attached is white on black but....

I load the settings by executing:

xrdb /custom/cfgs/.Xdefaults

each time my bash shell starts.



CM Miller wrote:

>Anyone using xterm? 
>I'm running Slackware 9.1 and I want to set it so when
>launching xterm from Fluxbox menu that the default
>shell is bash and the settings for the screen is black
>on yellow text. 
>Right now, I have to type the following to set the
>text up: 
>xterm -fg yellow -bg black 
>I believe there should be something under ~ called
>.xresources, but there isn't, which controls the
>setting for xterm. 
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