[olug] SuSE OpenExchange

Patrick McNeil pmcneil at dragool.com
Fri Jan 30 15:10:34 UTC 2004


Here is what I see:
Subject:   Re: [olug] SuSE OpenExchange
From:   "Daniel Linder" <dan at linder.org>
Date:   Thu, January 29, 2004 22:41
To:   dan at linder.org
Cc:   "Omaha Linux User Group" <olug at olug.org>
Priority:   Normal
Mailer:   SquirrelMail/1.4.2-1

And here is the current information on my mail server:
$ date
Fri Jan 30 09:01:52 CST 2004

Which is accurate (according to my Sprint PCS phone).

Here is the full header:

Return-Path: <olug-bounces at olug.org>
Received: from iprevolution.net (ipdns003.iprevolution.net [] (may be
     by ip68-13-49-156.om.om.cox.net (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id i0U4Kuu16414
     for <pmcneil at dragool.com>; Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:20:56 -0600
Received: from olug.org (olug.org [])
     by iprevolution.net (8.11.6/8.11.2) with SMTP id i0U4Kjg32417
     for <pmcneil at dragool.com>; Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:20:45 -0600
Received: (qmail 22874 invoked from network); 30 Jan 2004 04:24:16 -0000
Received: from localhost (HELO users.olug.org) (
     by localhost with SMTP; 30 Jan 2004 04:24:16 -0000
Delivered-To: olug at olug.org
Received: (qmail 22863 invoked by uid 527); 30 Jan 2004 04:24:14 -0000
Received: from dan at linder.org by localhost by uid 524 with qmail-scanner-1.15
     (clamscan: 0.54. spamassassin: 2.60. Clear:SA:0(0.7/5.0):.
     Processed in 1.277498 secs); 30 Jan 2004 04:24:14 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO www.linder.org) (
     by olug.org with SMTP; 30 Jan 2004 04:24:12 -0000
Received: by www.linder.org (Postfix, from userid 48)
     id 2F15547E2; Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:41:32 -0600 (CST)
Received: from
     (SquirrelMail authenticated user dan)
     by webmail.linder.org with HTTP;
     Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:41:32 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <19580. at webmail.linder.org>
In-Reply-To: <19565. at webmail.linder.org>
References: <1074803445.21058.141.camel at localhost.localdomain>
     <40104A1D.6050201 at brutsche.us>
     <1074887758.7447.384.camel at localhost.localdomain>
     <17020. at webmail.linder.org>
     <1075398703.20516.19.camel at localhost.localdomain>
     <19565. at webmail.linder.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 22:41:32 -0600 (CST)

Now, your time seems to be off by about 20 minutes or so (going from your server at
22:41 CST to the users.olug.org at 04:24 UTC (22:24 CST)).  The only other time that
looks a little off from my time is the users.olug.org, but that is using UTC time so
that is not causing the future messages.


>>> Dan, you seem to be sending emails from the future - what's it like
>>> there? :-)
>> I'll have to look into it...  Or maybe I'll wait for my future self to
>> e-mail me the answer. :)
>> Anyway, if I answered your question of "what's it like there?" with
>> "horrible", you'd all still come anyway! (Like you had a choice!!!) ;)
> Hmm, I have the correct time when I receive my e-mails.  Anyone else
> seeing my time-traveling e-mails?
> Dan
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