[olug] Open Office Experts?

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Fri Jul 9 15:04:48 UTC 2004

I don't have OOo to experiment with right now, but can you make the other
pieces of the pie either "white" (assuming the background is white) or is
there an "invisible" option?

To show a 3/4 pie, you'd need a 3/4 piece in color, and a 1/4 piece in
"white".  I believe you can set the fill and shadow options, but can you
set the line color options on the graphs?


Joe Gulizia said:
> That's the problem....I'll put in 1/2 and get a pie
> chart that looks like 1/3, etc.  I'll keep trying
> options though.
> CB_Joe
> --- "K.J. Kirwan" <kjk_elec at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>> Would "Insert, Chart" (pick "pie") and then
>> "Format Cells, Fractions" work for you?
>> Also lots of right-click options for appearance.
>> But the pie chart seems to always equal 100%.
>> If you put in 5 entries of 1/10 each, you don't
>> get a half-circle, you get a full pie in five
>> equal pieces (2/10 each).  Maybe this is not
>> what you want if you are teaching fractions.
>> If anyone here is an OOo expert and knows a
>> better way, please clue us in.
>> Kim

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