[olug] Upgrading from Suse 9.0 to 9.1

Don Kauffman dekauff at cox.net
Tue Jul 20 16:40:59 UTC 2004

First of all, gnome and evolution were broken. Managed to get Evolution  
back by reseting the permissions in /etc/opt/gnome ...... but I'm not 
going to do that for everything Gnome. KDE is sort of stable but there 
are a few odd glitches . YAST2  is slower that it used to be.

On Ctl-Alt-F10, I get a lot of xsession-errors.

Then I use Maple 9 (math package) and that is broken. Keeps losing the 
connection to the kernel and when that's gone it's done. Reinstalled 
Maple  and  the same thing happens.

The system is slower and for an Athlon XP 1800 with 256 MB RAM that 
tells me something is mis configured. 

Like I said earlier I had problems with the ftp install so switched to 
the CD install. I suspect that's  where the majority  of the problems 
came in.

I appreciate knowing that other people have not had a problem with 
upgrading.It kind of narrows the problems down  to what happened when 
the ftp install was broken. Means I'll have to spend some "jail time' on 
windows over the next couple of weeks until I get a chance to re install 
everything.. Sigh!!!


Don K.

Ben Dinger wrote:

>I've upgraded my work desktop and personal webserver to 9.1 and it worked seemlessly.  What kind of problems did you have? 
>On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 07:47:07AM -0500, Don Kauffman wrote:
>>Hello Folks,
>>I am one of the unfortunate few who tried to upgrade from Suse 9.0 to 
>>9.1 at the install fest. When I got home after doing that many things on 
>>the system were broken. The list is too exhaustive (and depressing) to 
>>list here! I got frustrated  and took it out to Jay at reboottheuser and 
>>we concluded that the only thing to do is do a clean install. I'm 
>>wondering if anyone else had this problem and I'm also giving a heads up 
>>that this may be a problem (for the next installfest).
>>Don Kauffman
>>OLUG mailing list
>>OLUG at olug.org

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