[olug] SFTP to OpenSSH on NT

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Mon May 3 17:47:09 UTC 2004

Have you tried an SCP utility such as WinSCP?


--- IrishMASMS at olug.org wrote:
> After getting OpenSSH running on one of our NT boxes
> and testing SSH
> connectivity using PuTTY yesterday afternoon I went
> home happy. On the
> drive home I realised that I did not test SFTP -
> doh!
> So this morning I started the text based PSFTP
> client & initiated a
> connection to the NT box. I recieved the prompt for
> my username, which I
> put in. The default usage warning came up (just like
> when I logged in via
> SSH), prompting me for my password. When I submit my
> passsword (that works
> when logging in via SSH) it would give me an error
> that the password would
> not work, now it gives an eror:
> Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP: could not connect
> When I GTFG none of the hits have any relevance,
> other than this from the
> OpenSSH FAQ [http://www.openssh.com/faq.html]:
> <blockquote>
> <i><b>
> 2.9 - sftp/scp fails at connection, but ssh is
> OK.</b>
> sftp and/or scp may fail at connection time if you
> have shell
> initialization (.profile, .bashrc, .cshrc, etc)
> which produces output for
> non-interactive sessions. This output confuses the
> sftp/scp client. You
> can verify if your shell is doing this by executing:
> ssh yourhost /usr/bin/true
> If the above command produces any output, then you
> need to modify your
> shell initialization.
> </i>
> </blockquote>
> I did not get any output from this in SSH, it hangs
> the terminal. In PSFTP
> I get an error that the command SSH is unknown.
> Any thoughts from the group?
> Irish
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