[olug] FreeSMS/PHPNuke Issue

Jon H. Larsen relayer at levania.org
Mon May 3 20:23:09 UTC 2004

This afternoon around 2:30ish an SQL injection attack into PHPNuke 
occured (PHPNuke currently is used to run the OLUG website).

Shortly upon recieving the email that was generated, the OLUG admins took 
down the OLUG website temporarily and patched PHPNuke.
This exploit has been fixed.

Please delete the offending email.  Do not visit the linked contained 
in the email.

Jon H. Larsen  - email: relayer (at) levania (dot) org
Omaha Linux Users Group - http://www.olug.org/
AnimeSunday.org - http://www.animesunday.org/
ICQ#: 10412618 - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/
PGP Pub key - http://www.levania.org/~relayer/relayerpubkey.txt

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