[olug] Microsoft is out of control!

Craig Wolf CJWolf at mpsomaha.org
Fri May 7 13:02:51 UTC 2004

Well, in reply to that, I typically sit with a machine, or at least the core of my machine for at least 3 years.  I may add ram, or more HD space but the rest stays the same.  I like new toys like the rest of us but I just can't justify the expense of a new computer more often than that.  We don't NEED that kind of power, or most of us don't.  That is being crammed down our throats by certain companies that feel that we don't know any better OR different.  Personally, screw M$ and THEIR needs for the next OS they are pimping.  I am VERY happy with my 2.4Ghz Athlon with 512MB Ram running SuSE.  Substantially more stable than XP was on it and I get a lot more down at a quicker pace.  Hell, I am running the same distro on my daughter's machine which is a 350Mhz box with 192MB of Ram.  Let's see XP run well on that!  (BTW, I tried.  Ugly!)  Sorry, I just had to throw in my 2 cents.....

Craig Wolf
Linux Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist

>>> phil at brutsche.us 5/6/2004 >>>
thehaas at binary.net wrote:

> My question is -- what does MS think that Longhorn will give Home Joe
> User that they will want to upgrade to a massive machine?

To some (and for most tasks) new machines on the market are already
incredibly massive.

How many people are going to sit around with their current machines for
3 years?  I know I won't.

> Already, people are happy when their machines "just work" -- they
> just want to email, IM, surf, and maybe make a greeting card or two.
> How is Longhorn going to improve their user experience?


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us 
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