[olug] PayPal outage

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 14 13:50:45 UTC 2004

Configuration Management, Change Control,
Incrementalism, Documentation, Testing, Quality
Assurance, Back Out Planning, and Disaster Recovery
are concepts which apply to every system.

Unfortunately this appears to be a compentency issue
which will be reported as a Linux failure.

-=Sean Edwards=-
cybersean3000 at yahoo.com

--- William Haisch <whaisch3 at cox.net> wrote:

> According to netcraft.com:
> "Paypal began experiencing performance problems
> Friday after a redesign 
> and code revision destabilized its site performance.
> Company press reps 
> have said that while eBay's infrastructure allows
> site changes to be 
> rolled back, Paypal's does not. Paypal is powered by
> an Apache web 
> server on Linux, while eBay runs on Windows Server
> 2003."
> Just wait:  in a month, all the trade rags will say
> Windows rules and 
> Linux is not enterprise ready because of this outage
> at PayPal.  So 
> this begs the question:  When running Linux and
> Apache in an enterprise 
> environment, is it true that changes on Linux can't
> be rolled back or 
> reversed?  Is this a matter of planning and setup or
> a true limitation 
> of the platform?  Does this mean that PayPal doesn't
> know what its 
> doing?  Should I trust them with my money?
> P.S.  Listened to the interview of attorney David
> Boies today on NPR.  
> He busted Microsoft lying during its anti-trust case
> with the 
> government.  They [MS] had spliced together
> different, similar looking 
> desktop videos to trying to show that Windows, IE,
> and Office work best 
> together and would not work if they were separated. 
> Some researchers 
> from Stanford took screen shots of the video and saw
> that some programs 
> came and went magically.  Its a good listen.  This
> begs the question:  
> should I trust my data with a shady company that
> lies to its customers?
> -Wm.
> William Haisch
> bill at whaisch.com
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