[olug] Filesystem Compression

Ted Kat. dark_house_666 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 30 19:46:04 UTC 2004

--- William Langford <unfie at cox.net> wrote:

> e2comp or whatever it was ... has been mentioned. I ran it a few times 
> with pretty good success.  Gotta be careful of sectors that decide to 
> die/corrupt tho...
> long time ago, during the 2.0 series, i remember a 'block device' 
> compressor. it wasn't neccessarily a file system compression setup, but 
> it's primary use was as one.
> it might have been googled/altavista/hotbot'd as 'doublespace for linux' 
> or something, i don't recall... been many a year :).  Anyhoo, it's 
> strength was that since it worked on block devices rather than being 
> tied to a particular file system.. it could compress... anything.
> Dunno if it still exists.

 "cloop" -- "loop" with (de)compression (Compressed Loopback Device).

 Knoppix uses it still.

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