[olug] Filesystem Compression

Phil Brutsche phil at brutsche.us
Sun Oct 31 03:42:10 UTC 2004

Adam Lassek wrote:
> You can set the "c" flag on files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem using
> chattr, and according to the man page this should compress it. Has
> anyone done this?

Just tried it, the "c" flag was ignored.

The manpage for chattr also says:

"The `c', 's', and `u' attributes are not honored by the ext2 and ext3 
filesystems as implemented in the current mainline Linux kernels.  These 
attributes may be implemented in future versions ext2 and ext3."

This is for version 1.35 of e2fsprogs on a Debian "sarge" box.


Phil Brutsche
phil at brutsche.us

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