[olug] "top"-like program for IO...

Brian Roberson roberson at olug.org
Thu Sep 16 16:52:26 UTC 2004

Just like almost all unixes, there are the standard commands such as


- you might need to install them however, they seem to not be part of any base linux distro install.


Tell me how much disk io I have now, update every seconds and display for 10 seconds:
iostat -x 1 10

Tell me some virtual memory information ( again every second for 10 seconds )
vmstat 1 10

On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 09:57:00AM -0500, Daniel Linder wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I am sure everyone know about the "top" program and how usefull it is if
> you want to see what processes are chewing up your CPU and/or RAM.  What
> I'm running into are programs that are keeping the HDD busy either doing
> big updates/reads/writes, or the swap space being hit hard.
> Is there a similar utility to top that will show the HDD activity and what
> programs are causing it?  The "top" program does have a lot of IO type
> features, but this does not seem to be one of them it can monitor.
> Any ideas?
> Dan
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