[olug] (OT) Beware How You Google - Article

Trent Melcher tmelcher at trilogytel.com
Thu Apr 28 20:53:11 UTC 2005

Here is one of many good reasons why to use Linux as your desktop.


The malicious site, googkle.com, is infested with Trojan droppers,
downloaders, backdoors and spyware, and an unsuspecting user only has to
visit the page to be at risk of computer hijack attacks, according to a
warning from Finnish anti-virus vendor F-Secure Corp. 

Full Article Here:

              / _  _ \
            (| (.)(.) |)
 |Trent Melcher                     |
 |Network/System Administrator      |
 |Startouch International LTD.      |
 |402.346.4600  x103                |
            (   )   Oooo.
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