[olug] Samba And XP Pro

Joe Catanzaro joecatanzaro at cox.net
Fri Feb 25 05:33:35 UTC 2005

I've got an old Red Hat 6.1 box running Samba 2.x and I've moved a bunch of 
files and folders over to my XP Pro box with Win Explorer. Now when I try 
to open the files, I'm getting lots of stupid errors (access denied, etc). 
Bottom line is that I don't have the right permissions. I'm using the joe 
user and I'm in the administrator group. So, my question is, where on God's 
green Earth did Microsoft hide the fricken file permission manager thingy?

A quick fix is for me to share the folder that these files are in and then 
I'm able to work with them, but obviously I don't want shared folders all 
over the place. Also, I believe the root cause of this problem was that a 
lot of these files were in a secondary group on my linux box.  chown 
joe:joe -R *    ended up solving the problem going forward.  All I want to 
do is log into DOS and type:  chmod 777 -R *    and    chown 
joe:administrator -R *     is that asking too much?   Darn XP box..............

Joe Catanzaro
joecatanzaro at cox.net 

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