[olug] Jan 4 2005 OLUG meeting cancelled

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Tue Jan 4 18:01:31 UTC 2005

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I'm afraid the weather is not going to get a whole lot better, and I don't
want to risk accidents with the roads this slippery. We'll cancel the
meeting tonight.

This means that our next agenda is the Installfest. It is a week from this
Saturday on the 15th of January. The official time is noon - 6 pm, but
we'll start setting up at around 10:30 am. Some of the highlights:

- - Wired internet access (of course)
- - Wireless internet access
- - FTP server with the latest distros for network installs
- - At least 3 burning stations for CDs

What can you do to help?
- - Show up :)
- - Put up flyers around town - download them from the homepage at

Hope to see you all there

- --
Adam Haeder
Vice President of Information Technology
AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.haederfamily.org/pgp.html

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005, Craig Wolf wrote:

> Are we still on for tonight??  Just asking since the weather is going to
> get pretty hairy.  8)
> Craig Wolf
> Linux Web Server Support
> Desktop/Network Specialist
> 402-894-6283
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