[olug] Re: OES & OS X

William Haisch whaisch3 at cox.net
Thu Jul 14 04:18:40 UTC 2005

On Jul 10, 2005, at 10:27 PM, olug-request at olug.org wrote:
> Since you brought it up...I have tried OES on linux and cannot for the
> life of me find out how to get Apple connectivity to it.

Do you want to integrate the OS X workstations with an LDAPv3, Active 
Directory, or Open Directory server?
Open the "Directory Access" application inside of 
/Applications/Utilities folder.
There is where all the magic happens for directory binding.  You can 
even add the workstation to a Windows Workgroup.

Did they tell you to try the "Connect to Server..." from the "Go" menu 
in the Finder?
The quick shortcut key combo is Apple-K (Command-K for the keyboard 
Type "afp://servername.domain.com" to connect using Apple File Protocol 
over TCP/IP.  This is the default if not specified.
Type "smb://servername.domain.com" to connect using SAMBA/Windows file 
sharing protocol.
Type "ftp://servername.domain.com" to connect using good ole' FTP.  (I 
don't recommend FTP, it crashes or locks up often.  I use CyberDuck for 
FTP and Fugu for SFTP/SCP.  Both are free.)

I don't like kids and teachers poking around the Go menu so I made a 
small AppleScript to do the heavy lifting for me.  Enter this into 
Script Editor and save as an Application (save a copy as a script if 
you want to edit it later):

tell application "Finder"
	mount volume "smb://servername.domain.com"
end tell

I then place the application into the Application folder.  Students use 
a generic, no rights, local user account and then use this app to 
connect to the server for them.  They never poke around the menus.  
Thank God kids watch a lot of TV and their brains and imaginations have 
rotted away!

Is this what you need or am I being too simple?

William Haisch
bill at whaisch.com

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