[olug] router, router, router

Tim & Alethea Larson thelarsons3 at cox.net
Tue Jul 26 17:30:17 UTC 2005

Christopher R. White wrote:
> Done it to my Linksys WRT54G and flashed with the Sveasoft firmware.  Am 
> able to go back and forth between "hacked" and original w/o issue.

Are both stored in the device somehow, or do you have to flash it back 
and forth from your PC?

> Works great!  Sveasoft firmware gives ability to increase transmission 
> power from radio and enable both radios at the same time (using one 
> original antenna and one modified outdoor antenna to reach my sisters 
> house 2 blocks away)  The performance is roughly 802.11b at these 
> distances, but workable!

You crazy hardware hackers!  :)  That's cool, though.

Tim & Alethea

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