[olug] Bluejay Usage Questionaire

Matt Platte plattem at inetnebr.com
Thu Jun 2 04:53:21 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 12:27 +0900, Rob Townley wrote:
> Even though i am on the road (Japan at the moment), i thought the
> following email was interesting enough to warrant discussion. Bluejay
> has been a HPUX machine for many years.  Originally, they were going
> to keep it running, but now they are shutting it down with
> notification given in the bottom of a survey.  You oughta read their 4
> numbered bullet points below.

> http://galen.creighton.edu/ss/wsb.dll/slc44378/BluejayEmailAssessment.htm

...and their survey "solution" costs at minimum $1,495/year.  



I sat in on a brief, ad-hoc committee meeting recently, a group to which
I do not belong; I was there for a different meeting.  Committee members
were from Lincoln area non-profits and human service agencies.  The
immediate task was to move forward a recommendation from among several
proposals.  Due to the wide range of features and costs, and a general
lack of time/attention, a realistic analysis looked difficult to defend
so they went with the most expensive offering - the one with the
slickest presentation.

I guess there must have been some Creighton techies in that group, so
sorry I didn't recognize them. </sarcasm>

Matthew Platte
Lincoln Nebraska
"Choose your poison: HPUX or Microsoft"

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